Monday, May 21, 2007

BarlowGirl rockin' at Saddleback

BarlowGirl gave a great performance as they sang and shared their testimonies with the audience.

The Promise Fashion Show

Crave were so awesome in their Hip-Hop Fashion Scene wearing clothes from Anchor Blue, 180 Degree Living and OC Soccermoms.

Our High School girls looking beautiful in Prom dresses supplied by Windsor Fashion

Our youth were amazing with their highly choreographed western scene! Clothes supplied by Truth Soul Armor

The Ladies of Saddleback wearing great fashions from Anissa's Boutique!

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Promise Opening Video

Saturday, May 12, 2007

What Do Guys Really Think?

Lies of the World Video

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Promise: Day One

Allison just took this picture of the crowd for the blog. Hey everyone!

JC Penny Mother's Day Commercial

Here's the JC Penny commerical we played tonight during the opening session!

Can you feel the excitement?!

Countdown: 2 hours till The Promise!

Am I excited?! OH yes...

For those of you who will be joining me this weekend for an incredible experience, I can't wait to meet you and hear what God is going to do!

I am looking forward to the amazing speakers (Chad Eastham - please enlighten me :) ) and some thought-provoking workshops for girls of ALL ages.

See you TONIGHT and Saturday!! :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What's in YOUR Wallet??

Ok, so this isn't a Capital One commercial... but I do hope you have PROMISE TICKETS in your wallet! (or in your purse, or your pocket...) We are only one day away! If you don't have your tickets yet, you can still get them Friday during business hours at the church office. If there are still tickets available, you can purchase them at the door Friday night. Doors will open at 6:15, and the conference starts at 7pm. It's going to be great! I'm really looking forward to hearing Chad Eastham on Friday night... What are you looking forward to? See you there!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Emotional Purity

Growing up in church, I've heard about purity...a lot. About every year or so we go through at least one sex series and talk about "how far is too far" and how to have a "pure" relationship. All these things are very important, and extremely relevant to people's lives. However, I strongly feel that we overlook a HUGE part of purity that I feel is just as important as physical purity...and that is emotional purity. I see it all the time...two people start dating...they've grown up in church...they've had purity ingrained into their minds...they know how far they're supposed to go. They wait and wait and wait to kiss...again...all good things. But...instead of making out...they spend their time talking for hours and sharing all about their hurts and struggles, family problems, past relationships...they become best friends...learn to trust each other, they express their love for each other, spend all their time together, they know each other inside and out...they get close with each others family, and soon learn to depend on each other as a support and refuge for life's struggles...and ends.

Now, they not only have to deal with the loss of a boyfriend...but also the loss of a best friend...a family, a support, counselor, etc. They may not have given themselves away physically...but emotionally...they've given everything. They are left broken and confused..."I thought it would last forever". This is because they never knew what emotional purity was all about.

I believe that when you get married you should give yourself physically for the first time...I also believe God desires us to save our emotional body for our spouse as well. So, we need to do what we can to keep our emotional well-being in tact so as not to become an emotional wreck for our husbands/ wives.

So how do you stay emotional pure? Physical purity is somewhat easy to preach (not easy to do)...but emotional purity is more ambiguous. Here are some things I think can help.

1. Don't say I love you. If you're in high school there's a 98% chance that you don't actually love the person you are with...and a 96% chance that you don't know what love is. For more information on the Nooma video called flame.

2. Keep your friends. Don't hang out with your friends much less. Self-explanatory.

3. Don't make your boyfriend/girlfriend your best friend. There is no reason for him/her to know your secrets... tell your friends/small group about the struggles in your life... And it's impossible to be "accountability partners" with your significant don't pretend to try.

4. Don't let yourself, or your friends fantasize about the future. DO NOT talk about marriage until you are ready to be engaged. If you are in high school marriage shouldn't even be in your vocabulary...unless you are talking about your parents. Don't let your friends tell you how cute your babies will be or pick out your bridesmaids dresses...just don't. All this does is put extra pressure on the relationship and bring expectations into it that can't be fulfilled. You will be let down.

5. Be Independent... Don't make plans based on a relationship...that, I'm sorry, won't last...don't pick your college, career, ministry, or senior prom date based on the relationship you're in now. Do what is right for YOU.

6. Remember that you were created for the purpose of glorifying God...not a person. You were put on earth for God's pleasure...don't be a boyfriend pleaser.

Let's face it, boys are physical, and girls are emotional...we know this. So if girls need to help out our brother's physical purity by being modest and wearing one-piece bathing suits at camp...then boys need to help girls maintain their emotional purity. This means...don't bring up things like marriage and love and all that stuff unless you're ready to marry us...which you're not. And don't joke about liking us when it's not true.

Ok, I'm sorry this is so long...I have a lot to say on this subject. Thanks for reading...let me know what you think too.

And, if you're in high school...I recommend reading "Dateable". Even if you're it anyway.

Building Friendships

We are meant to be connected, to be part of the body of Christ, to have great and meaningful relationships. What makes a good friend? It starts with obeying God and choosing to love him and love others…

Deuteronomy 30:20 says “Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and commit yourself to him, for he is your life.” And 1 John 4:11 says “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” Our motivation for loving others comes from understanding God’s love for us.

Another way to be a good friend is to have a thankful heart. Think of how much the Lord has blessed you. Genesis 12:2 says “I will bless you…and you will be a blessing to others.” How can you bless someone today? One way is to encourage them…

“Whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus.”—
Colossians 3:17. Our model for and motivation to be a good friend are Jesus Christ.

The Bible also says “love your neighbor as yourself.” Being a friend and loving others really starts with knowing who we are in Christ. We need to know who we are and find our identity in Christ before we can be a good friend. If we don’t love ourselves and see ourselves the way God sees us—as acceptable, valuable, lovable, forgivable, and capable—then we won’t be able to love others in the capacity that God wants us to.

What can you do this week to show your friends you appreciate them? Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while to say hi. Next time you’re meeting for coffee, treat your friend. Send an encouraging note in the mail. Having quality relationship and friendships and being a good friend are necessary for a healthy life. In building our Christian friendships we’re strengthening not only ourselves but also the body of Christ!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Friendships, Families and Flirts…

My best friend in the world is Melissa Richardson. We have best the best of friends since I was in the 7th grade. We met when I walked into a small Jr. High Sunday School class for the first time. She invited me the to go to Magic Mountain with the youth group the next weekend. I did, and we became fast friends, best friends, right away. Our friendship has navigated its way through Jr. High and High School and College (even being roommates!) and now we’re figuring out how to stay close despite the fact we live nearly 500 miles away!

Lately I’ve been thinking a LOT about friendships…especially as I’m preparing a seminar for this weekend on this subject. I’ve been wondering if I’m really even a good friend? What makes a good friend? What are the qualities of a good friendship? Friendships (like any relationships) are complex, they are fun, and sometimes they are unexpected.

So I’ve been setting up interviews with “best friends” and I’m going to ask them what makes their friendships work…. what’s made them last? How do they survive the challenges and changes of life? I was wondering what you thought, what are the ingredients to a good friendship?


No Drama, No Testimony? No Way...

So you think you don’t have much of a testimony if you don’t have any drama in your life… Well think again! I know we have all heard those dramatic testimonies from girls who have been delivered from drugs, alcohol, or some other kind of addiction and thought, “Wow, I wish I had something that amazing to tell”. While it is wonderful to hear how God has intervened in their lives and made such a difference, don’t be fooled, you too are an amazing witness even if you don’t know it.

When I was in high school, there was a girl named Deborah. She was beautiful, popular and the nicest girl in the school. She was very outspoken about her faith and stood strong in her beliefs. All the boys wanted to date her but she would choose her dates wisely. Most of the time she didn’t have a boyfriend, much to the dismay of the guys in the school. I used to watch her from afar and wish I had stayed true to my faith and my convictions. She was such an inspiration to me and she didn’t even know it. All the time when I would see that she was in a situation where she could have been swayed to make the wrong choice, I would be so happy to see her stay strong in her beliefs. Whether it was in a class debate regarding abortion or pre marital sex, she would state her belief with such calm resolve you couldn’t help but admire her.

I never told Deborah that she impacted my life during those years. Now that I have been out of high school so long I wouldn’t even know how to find her if I wanted to. The truth of the matter is, she made me see way back then that it was possible to love God and still have fun-filled high school years. So…KEEP ON MAKING THOSE VALUE BASED CHOICES GIRLS, you never know whose life you’re affecting or who’s watching you!

Submitted by Veronica Wright

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hope For The Future

The Promise will reveal "The Lies of the World" and give you a "Hope for the Future"

Friday, May 4, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

What is “The Promise?”
“The Promise” is a conference featuring inspirational speakers, dynamic music, a fashion show, videos and workshops to teach girls ages 12-22 about God’s promises and how living by God’s standards produces the great life they really desire. Topics such as: purity, modesty, body image, friendship, battling the lies of the world and finding God’s purpose for your life will be covered.

Who should attend?
Any woman age 12 and up should attend. The speakers focus on the girls and women ages 12-22, but we want all the mature women that mother, mentor and lead gals ages 12-22 to be there too. There are separate age appropriate workshops for Jr High, High School and College levels as well as workshops for parents, mentors and leaders of young women.

If my daughter is younger than 12 should she attend?
It depends…. If your daughter: thinks boys are cute; is moody; is undergoing physical changes; or is having difficulty with her girlfriends; then bring her now. Attending “The Promise” conference together will give you something to talk about later. The best way to promote a good relationship with your daughter is open communication, honesty, time together, support and love. You can start on that right now at “The Promise.”

Should “Moms” attend with their daughters?
Ideally, it would be great for all the “Moms” out there to attend “The Promise” whether their girls are 11 or 22 years old. We think “Moms” will get a lot out of the conference and that the speakers will give you topics to discuss with your daughters in the days and weeks that follow the conference.

My daughter wants to attend, but I cannot. Should I send her?
If you are a “Mom” and you cannot attend, please send your daughter. This is NOT strictly a “Mother/Daughter” event. If your daughter wants to come to with her friends or youth leader we think that would be great. “Moms” are still welcome even if their daughters are coming with their “youth group.” There are two workshops just for parents.

Can my daughter come by herself or with a friend?
Yes, as long as you are comfortable sending her and feel she can follow the schedule and navigate the church property by herself. The entire conference takes place at Saddleback Church. It is primarily in the main sanctuary and on the patio, but the workshops will be in separate rooms. There will be adult helpers on premises, but there is no direct supervision for the girls. You as the parent will have to decide whether or not your daughter is comfortable and safe in this type of environment.

What if I only have sons, should I attend?
Yes, we would encourage you to attend and learn about the teen culture and what’s going on out there. Your son will probably want to date and eventually marry a girl – so come and learn about the “other half” of the equation and what they are facing today. Plus, Chad Eastham will give you some insight into how your son is thinking and feeling during the high school years. Also, you will enjoy the parenting workshops.

Can I bring?:
My son – no
Husband – no
Boyfriend – no
Brother – no
Priest - no
No boys allowed, this is a girl thing

Why don’t you offer a similar program for boys?
Good question. We hear your heart and agree that programs for boys ages 12-22 are needed too. We would ask you to write out your testimony, trials and talents in this area and email them to We will try to assess and communicate the need(s) to our Pastors. We would also ask you to pray about this area and ask the Lord to raise up leaders, speakers, and teachers in this vital area.

What if I can only attend part of the conference, should I come?
Yes, if you can only come Friday night or Saturday then come. You will be blessed by each session, so don’t miss out. The cost remains the same as our expenditures are fixed.

Will there be any T-Shirt?
Yes, we will be selling “The Promise” t-shirts for $10.00 at the event.

Will any food be provided?
Yes, included as part of your register fee, we will have donuts on Saturday morning and a box lunch on Saturday. There is no food provided for Friday evening so make sure you eat dinner before you come.

Do I have to attend Saddleback Church to attend?
No, in fact we are actively inviting the entire community. Every female is invited to attend this event.

When is it?
Fri., May 11th 7-11pm in the Worship Center at Saddleback Church
Sat., May 12th 8:30am-1:30pm in the Worship Center at Saddleback Church

What time do the doors open?
Ticket sales begin at 5pm on Friday
Friday night doors open at 6:15 pm
Saturday morning at 7am there is an early bird workshop on “Purity” in tent 3
Saturday 8 am donuts and coffee are available on the patio and doors are open
Saturday 8:30am worship

Is seating assigned?
No, seating is open. We recommend you pre-buy your tickets and come early for best seating.

How do I get register?
There are 4 Ways to Register for this event:
  • Register at Saddleback Church after all the services or during the week at the Ministry Center – cost is $40.00
  • Register on line at - cost is $46.00
  • Register by phone at 800-965-9324 – cost is $46.00
  • We will have registration at the conference only if tickets are still available
Do you have another question?
Call Saddleback Church at 949-609-8701

A Girl's Best Friend

If there's one thing that I LOVE about being a girl - its the close friendships we share! Its my best friends that understand me and help me through whatever comes my way. God has used so many of my girlfriends to help me grow and to challenge me in my faith. Here is a picture of me and one of my very best friends - Annie! She's amazing and inspires me everyday.

I am SO excited about The Promise conference because its a chance to meet new friends, connect with other girls, and learn about how to develop deeper friendships! There is even going to be a workshop on "Surviving Friendships, Family, and Flirts" for middle school students... Annie and I CAN'T WAIT!! :) See you there!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

BarlowGirl Is Awesome!

I gotta admit... I didn't know much about this band before we started talking about having them at the Promise this year. But the more I read about them, I'm finding that they're pretty cool!

First off, they are the "Youth Ambassadors" for National Day Of Prayer (which, by the way is today). They have some pretty cool stuff to say about it here.

And second, they have a really fun MySpace with all kinds of cool stuff on it. You can listen to their music, see pictures and video, sign up to be on their email list... pretty fun!

I'm really getting excited to hear their concert at Promise on Friday night. I think I might have found a new band to like!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

National Day of Prayer this Thursday

Do you want to know the secret to having God move in your life? Here it is: prayer. The Bible says,” This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” (1 John 5:14-15 NIV) It’s time to pray to our Creator, to approach him in confidence, knowing that he hears our voices.

The National Day of Prayer is the first Thursday of May. Join with millions of other believers this Thursday as you talk to God with a grateful heart and make your desires known to him—the God of the universe! Is prayer something that comes to mind only when someone around you suggests it? Why not make a change and start praying now? Keep a special journal for writing prayers to God, say a prayer every time the school bell rings, say quick prayers for your friends as you see them. With small changes, it’s easy to focus our thoughts on praying throughout the day.

For some creative ideas for prayer that you can put in motion this week and for tips on making prayer a natural part of your everyday life, click here.